1st floor retail space available along the busy W Main Street in Norristown. Property owner is making repairs to space currently and will present as a shell for tenant. Ample opportunities for entrepreneurs looking to take advantage of properties location. Owner also will consider a lease to own for the entire property.
Price: | $$850 |
Address: | 244 W Main Street 1ST FLOOR |
City: | Norristown |
County: | Montgomery |
State: | Pennsylvania |
Zip Code: | 19401 |
MLS: | PAMC663902 |
Year Built: | 1910 |
accessibilityFeatures: | None |
approximateRetailSqft: | 1000 |
associationRecreationFeeYN: | N |
automaticallyUpdateTaxValuesYN: | yes |
buildingClassification: | Class C |
buildingTotalSqftSource: | Assessor |
buildingUnitsTotal: | 2 |
businessType: | Other/General Retail, Professional, Religious Facility, Other |
centralAirYN: | no |
cityTownTax: | 870 |
cityTownTaxPymntFreq: | Annually |
constructionMaterials: | Stucco |
contiguousSqftAvailableYN: | Y |
coolingType: | None |
country: | US |
crossStreet: | Markley and W Main Streets |
currentUse: | Vacant |
dateAvailable: | 2020-09-15T00:00:00+00:00 |
fencingYN: | Y |
foundationDetails: | Stone |
groundRentExistsYN: | no |
heatingFuel: | Electric |
heatingType: | None |
hotWater: | Electric |
internetAvmDisplayYN: | yes |
internetConsumerCommentYN: | yes |
landUseCode: | 4100 |
leasableAreaSqft: | 1000 |
leaseTerm: | 24 Months |
listAgentKey: | 304010484321 |
listAgentNameSuffix: | Jr. |
listOfficeBrokerOfRecordId: | 3243209 |
listOfficeBrokerOfRecordKey: | 121260853369 |
listOfficeKey: | 121134655832 |
listOfficePhone: | 2153319950 |
listOfficeResponsibleBrokerLicenseNumber: | RM424013 |
listagentstatelicensenumber: | RS344659 |
listingAgentEmail: | |
listingAgentFirstName: | Thomas |
listingAgentLastName: | Lonergan |
listingAgentName: | Thomas Joseph Lonergan Jr. |
listingAgentPhone: | 2677637020 |
listingAgreementType: | Exclusive Agency |
listingEntryDate: | 2020-09-15T00:00:00+00:00 |
listingOfficeEmail: | |
listingOfficeName: | SJI Jackson Real Estate |
listingSourceRecordKey: | 304298871747 |
locationType: | Downtown |
lotDimensionsSource: | Assessor |
lotSizeDimensions: | 17.00 x 0.00 |
majorChangeType: | Other |
mlsArea: | Norristown Boro (10613) |
municipalTrashYN: | yes |
municipality: | NORRISTOWN BORO |
navigableWaterYN: | no |
newConstructionYN: | no |
originalMlsName: | BRIGHT |
photoOption: | Lister Will Upload All |
propertyManagerYN: | Y |
purchaseOptionalYN: | yes |
riparianRightsYN: | no |
schoolTax: | 2296 |
searchStreetNameAndSuffix: | MAIN ST |
securityDeposit: | 850 |
sewerSeptic: | Public Sewer |
standardStatus: | Active |
streetNumberNumeric: | 244 |
subSystemLocale: | BRIGHT_MAIN |
systemLocale: | BRIGHT |
taxIdNumber: | 13-00-22528-004 |
taxOpportunityZoneYN: | Y |
tenantPays: | Utilities - All |
tidalWaterYN: | no |
typeOfParking: | On Street |
unparsedAddress: | 244 W MAIN ST #1ST FLOOR,NORRISTOWN,PA,19401,MONTGOMERY |
vacationRentalYN: | no |
waterAccessYN: | no |
waterOrientedYN: | no |
waterSource: | Public |
waterViewYN: | no |
waterfrontYN: | no |
yearBuiltSource: | Assessor |
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