Owner says make a DEAL now! Owner financing available. Great property with huge traffic count and exposure. Located a few blocks for the county court house. Commercial store first floor, apt on 2nd and 3rd floor. Also is in the Norristown Opportunity Zone which offers incentives to owner in the future. Check out the Norristown Website for more details. Property rents are below market. Possible additional rental income for sign on side of building.
Price: | $$139,900 |
Address: | 244 W Main Street |
City: | Norristown |
County: | Montgomery |
State: | Pennsylvania |
Zip Code: | 19401 |
MLS: | PAMC645790 |
Year Built: | 1910 |
Acres: | 0.030 |
Lot Square Feet: | 0.030 acres |
accessibilityFeatures: | None |
architecturalStyle: | Traditional |
automaticallyUpdateTaxValuesYN: | yes |
baseoffmarketdate: | 2021-02-15T00:00:00+00:00 |
buildingUnitsTotal: | 1 |
buyerAgentEmail: | |
buyerAgentFirstName: | Stephen |
buyerAgentFullName: | Stephen J. Izzi |
buyerAgentLastName: | Izzi |
buyerAgentMlsId: | 3269650 |
buyerAgentPreferredPhone: | 2153802300 |
buyerFinancing: | Private |
buyerOfficeEmail: | |
buyerOfficeMlsId: | JPGMACRE |
buyerOfficeName: | SJI Jackson Real Estate |
buyerOfficePhone: | 2153319950 |
buyerOfficeResponsibleBrokerLicenseNumber: | RM424013 |
centralAirYN: | no |
cityTownTax: | 928 |
cityTownTaxPymntFreq: | Annually |
closeSaleType: | Standard Sale |
coListAgentKey: | 304010484321 |
coListAgentNameSuffix: | Jr. |
coListOfficeKey: | 121134655832 |
coListingAgentEmail: | |
coListingAgentFirstName: | Thomas |
coListingAgentLastName: | Lonergan |
coListingAgentName: | Thomas Joseph Lonergan Jr. |
coListingAgentPhone: | 2672613042 |
coListingOfficeEmail: | |
coListingOfficeName: | SJI Jackson Real Estate |
constructionMaterials: | Stucco |
coolingFuel: | None |
coolingType: | None |
country: | US |
countyTax: | 211 |
countyTaxPymntFreq: | Annually |
garageYN: | no |
heatingFuel: | Natural Gas |
heatingType: | None |
hotWater: | Natural Gas |
internetAvmDisplayYN: | yes |
internetConsumerCommentYN: | yes |
landUseCode: | 4100 |
listAgentKey: | 121260853369 |
listAgentNameSuffix: | Jr. |
listOfficeBrokerOfRecordId: | 3243209 |
listOfficeBrokerOfRecordKey: | 121260853369 |
listOfficeKey: | 121134655832 |
listOfficePhone: | 2153319950 |
listOfficeResponsibleBrokerLicenseNumber: | RM424013 |
listingAgentEmail: | |
listingAgentFirstName: | Craig |
listingAgentLastName: | Lerch |
listingAgentName: | Craig Lerch Jr. |
listingAgentPhone: | 2157786805 |
listingAgreementType: | Exclusive Right |
listingEntryDate: | 2020-04-01T00:00:00+00:00 |
listingOfficeEmail: | |
listingOfficeName: | SJI Jackson Real Estate |
listingServiceType: | Full Service |
listingSourceRecordKey: | 304083361942 |
livingAreaSqftSource: | Assessor |
lotSizeDimensions: | 17.00 x 0.00 |
lotSizeSource: | Assessor |
lotSizeUnits: | Square Feet |
lotSqFt: | 1474 |
majorChangeTimestamp: | 2021-02-15T10:00:09+00:00 |
majorChangeType: | DOMP |
mlsArea: | Norristown Boro (10613) |
municipality: | NORRISTOWN BORO |
navigableWaterYN: | no |
newConstructionYN: | no |
onMarketDate: | 2021-01-17T00:00:00+00:00 |
originalMlsName: | BRIGHT |
otherStructures: | Above Grade, Below Grade |
ownershipInterest: | Fee Simple |
photoOption: | Lister Will Upload All |
pool: | No Pool |
possession: | Negotiable |
priceChangeTimestamp: | 2020-10-06T12:24:14+00:00 |
propertySubType: | Duplex |
purchaseContractDate: | 2021-01-17T00:00:00+00:00 |
riparianRightsYN: | no |
saleType: | Standard |
schoolDistrictName: | NORRISTOWN AREA |
schoolDistrictSource: | Listing Agent |
schoolTax: | 2296 |
searchStreetNameAndSuffix: | MAIN ST |
sewerSeptic: | Public Sewer |
standardStatus: | Closed |
statusChangeTimestamp: | 2021-02-15T10:00:09+00:00 |
streetNumberNumeric: | 244 |
subSystemLocale: | BRIGHT_MAIN |
systemLocale: | BRIGHT |
taxAnnualAmount: | 3435 |
taxAssessedValue: | 58000 |
taxDataUpdatedYN: | no |
taxIdNumber: | 13-00-22528-004 |
taxLot: | 007 |
taxYear: | 2021 |
tidalWaterYN: | no |
totalBelowGradeSqftSource: | Assessor |
totalSqftSource: | Assessor |
totalTaxesPymntFreq: | Annually |
typeOfParking: | On Street |
unparsedAddress: | 244 W MAIN ST,NORRISTOWN,PA,19401,MONTGOMERY |
vacationRentalYN: | no |
waterAccessYN: | no |
waterOrientedYN: | no |
waterSource: | Public |
waterViewYN: | no |
waterfrontYN: | no |
yearAssessed: | 2021 |
yearBuiltSource: | Assessor |
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